Adult Programs

Building Community, Strengthening Faith, and Creating Lasting Bonds.

Welcome to the vibrant community groups at St. Edward's Church! We offer a variety of opportunities for fellowship, support, and spiritual growth for all ages. Whether you're looking to connect with others, deepen your faith, or contribute to meaningful projects, our groups provide a welcoming environment to enrich your journey.

Prayer Shawl Group

Third Friday of each month at 12:30 PM

The Blessed Prayer Shawl Group is a compassionate community dedicated to creating and blessing prayer shawls for those in need of comfort, healing, and spiritual support. Members of the group knit or crochet shawls while offering prayers for the recipients, invoking blessings of peace, strength, and solace.

Contact: Church Office

(503) 393-5323

Happy Hearts

Second Friday of each month - Starting at 12:05 Mass

Join the St. Edward's Social Group for those over 55, where we foster social ties and support through monthly gatherings. We meet on the second Friday of each month, starting with the 12:05 Mass, followed by a delightful luncheon and a brief business meeting.

Contact: Susan Martsfield

(503) 931-4524

Knights of Columbus

Meetings occur on the third Tuesday of every month. 

This is a national fraternal men’s organization. Local Council #10594 supports the efforts of the parish of St. Edward as well as people in need in the community. They are also involved in projects of the KC on a national level. The organization is pro-life and promotes Christian values for members and their families. St. Edward Knights of Columbus are well known for their famous pancake breakfasts!

Contact: Chuck McKay, Grand Knight

(971) 218-0099

Men's Fellowship Group

First and Third Monday of each month 6:00-7:30 pm.

Men are invited to an evening of fellowship, discussion, and encouragement as we navigate the challenges of today's culture together.

Contact: Brian Beyer


Mom's Group

Fourth Wednesday 6:30 - 8:00 pm in the Youth Room

Mom’s who meet once a month to support each other in their beautiful vocation as mothers. A guided study is used to encourage and help each other through the life.  Meetings occur on the same night as the Community Dinner, so come join us for  a free meal from 4:30pm to 6:00 pm in the Parish Hall prior to the meetings.

Patches and Stiches Quilters Group

Meetings are on Tuesday mornings around 10:00 am

Join our talented group of ladies who create beautiful quilts and baptismal garments, contributing their skills to the church community and enjoy a wonderful day of fellowship.

Contact: Carrie Brown

(503) 463-0320

Rosary Making Group

Every Tuesday at 1:00 PM

The Rosary Group is a community of individuals who gather to pray the Rosary to foster a sense of unity, spiritual growth, and support among its members. It often serves as a source of comfort, encouragement, and peace for those who participate. Materials and instructions for making cord rosaries for the missions are provided.

Contact: Church Office

(503) 393-5323

Women's Bible Study

Thursdays from 9:30 - 11:30 during the school year

Women of all ages are welcome to gather for fellowship, food, Bible study, nurturing both faith and friendships. Babysitting is available during the study.

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