Our Stewardship

We at St. Edward exist because people care about our parish. The vast majority of the parish work is accomplished through the time, treasure and talent of our parishioners. We invite you to consider sharing your God-given gifts and to help keep our parish strong and vital. Our parish offers many opportunities for service in liturgy, faith formation, outreach, and many other ways for you to get involved.

Your contributions to St. Edward are vital in sustaining our 130+ ministries and events. These include supporting over 300 youth in religious education and making regular donations to St. Vincent DePaul and Keizer Food Bank. Additionally, St. Edward is paying off a mortgage for the new church building. Donations specifically directed to the building fund help reduce this debt.


To be a good steward means to make good use of the gifts that God has bestowed upon us. Stewardship is a living out of our commitment to be Christ-Centered rather than simply self-centered. Profound gratitude is in the end, our fundamental motive for giving back to God. Everything that God has given to us is intended to serve the divine plan. In a variety of ways, we as disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, share our time, talent and treasure to build up the Church and make our world a better place. Read our Stewardship Report.

Use of Envelopes

We deeply appreciate those who make a regular commitment of support, so that the parish can better plan its income and expenses. That’s important for the financial stability of our parish.

Electronic Giving

On this website, click on ”Donate Now”, the amount you select will be automatically deducted from your credit card or bank account.  You can make donations weekly, monthly, annually or a one-time. Deductions can be made on the 1st, 5th, 15th or 20th of the month. Changes can be made as often as you like.

Donate Now


Please feel free to contact the Parish Office if you would like to make a bequest to the parish from your will or a living trust.

We are available to assist you or your advisors with more specific information regarding bequests, estate designation or specific questions you may have.

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