Parish Life

Living Our Faith Together: Ministries, Outreach, and Community at St. Edward's

Welcome to the Parish Life page of St. Edward's Church! Here, you'll find a comprehensive overview of our vibrant Catholic ministries, community outreach programs, and annual events like our parish auction. Our parish is dedicated to fostering a strong sense of community, deepening our faith, and serving those in need. Explore the many ways you can get involved, grow spiritually, and make a positive impact through our diverse programs and resources. Join us in living out our faith together!

Adoration of the Eucharist

Our parish community is truly blessed to have the opportunity to adore Christ in the Eucharist in our Adoration Chapel at any time, day or night. We offer 24-hour daily adoration, providing a peaceful and sacred space for prayer and reflection. While many hours are covered, we still need volunteers to ensure that someone is always present with Jesus. Spending an hour in adoration could be the most meaningful part of your week.

Contact: Linda Lauthern

(503) 393-5323

Altar Linen Care

The Altar Linen Care Ministry is a vital part of our church community, dedicated to maintaining the sacred linens used during Mass. Volunteers in this ministry take on the important task of laundering and ironing the various linens, ensuring they are clean and beautifully prepared for each service. This behind-the-scenes work is essential for the reverence and dignity of our liturgical celebrations. By joining the Altar Linen Care Ministry, you can contribute to the spiritual life of our parish in a meaningful and practical way.

Contact: Sha Eppley

(503) 753-5915

Altar Servers

Altar servers are those who want to answer the call to serve our Lord by assisting the Priest during Mass. As a Server, you have an important role during the Mass or during the other liturgical services. It is your privilege to assist the priest at the altar.

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Audio and Video

The Audio and Video Ministry at our church plays a crucial role in enhancing the worship experience during weekend Masses. This dedicated team of volunteers manages the PowerPoint presentations that display song lyrics and prayers, ensuring that the congregation can fully participate in the service. They also handle the audio adjustments, carefully balancing the microphone volumes for the choir and speakers to create a clear and harmonious sound. Additionally, the ministry is responsible for livestreaming all the Masses, allowing those who cannot attend in person to join the service from home. By seamlessly integrating technology into our worship, the Audio and Video Ministry helps to create a more engaging and spiritually enriching environment for all attendees. Training will be provided.

Contact: Mike Auman

(503) 393-3089

Church Flowers and Decorations

The Flowers and Decorations Ministry at our church is comprised of a talented group of parishioners who use their creativity to enhance our worship space. They provide beautiful floral arrangements and decorations that accentuate the church environment for each liturgical season. Their dedication and artistic touch help to create a welcoming and spiritually uplifting atmosphere, enriching the worship experience for all who attend. By joining this ministry, you can share your creative talents and contribute to the beauty and reverence of our sacred space.

Liturgical Decorations

Mike and Melissa Auman

(503) 393-3089

Floral Questions and Volunteering

Jeanie White

(503) 569-7210

Daily Mass Coordination

The Daily Mass Coordination Ministry plays a crucial role in ensuring the smooth and reverent celebration of our daily Masses. This dedicated team is responsible for preparing the altar, making sure all necessary items are in place for the liturgy. By joining this ministry, you can contribute to the spiritual life of our parish and help create a prayerful and organized environment for daily worship.

Contact: The Parish Office

(503) 393-5323

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHCs) play a vital role in assisting the priest or deacon in distributing communion to the faithful during Mass. These lay men and women, who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation, are specially trained in the reverent handling of the Body and Blood of Christ and the sacred vessels. By serving as EMHCs, they help ensure that the distribution of communion is conducted with the utmost care and respect, enhancing the spiritual experience for all parishioners.

A Coordinator of Ministries (CM) is needed at every celebration of the Mass. Besides being the head sacristan, who makes sure the bread and wine and sacred vessels are prepared, he/she also makes sure that the other liturgical ministers are ready for their roles in the celebration. The pastor relies on the CM to help ensure the best possible worship experience.

Contact: Debi Welter

(503) 949-3812


The Hospitality Ministry at our church is dedicated to creating a warm and welcoming environment for all parishioners and visitors. Our Hospitality Ministers greet everyone as they enter the church, assist with seating, carry up the offertory gifts, and guide the congregation during Holy Communion. They also distribute bulletins after Mass and ensure that the pews and church are clean and ready for the next service. Additionally, our Youth Hospitality Ministers contribute their energy and enthusiasm by assisting during the 10:30am Mass on the second Sunday of each month. This ministry plays a vital role in fostering a sense of community and making everyone feel at home in our parish.

Contact: The Parish Office

(503) 393-5323

Lectors and Readers

The Lectors and Readers Ministry offers the special honor of proclaiming the Word of God during Mass. This ministry provides comprehensive guidelines and practical training to ensure that lectors are well-prepared for their role. Each reader receives a workbook containing the readings for the current liturgical year, serving as a valuable resource for their preparation. We invite adults and high school youth who have made their Confirmation to join this ministry and share in the profound experience of bringing the Scriptures to life for our congregation.

Contact: Maureen Summers

(503) 581-1393

Music and Choir

The Music and Choir Ministry plays a vital role in the celebration of the Eucharist, which is the source and summit of our faith. Music helps us lift our hearts and souls to God, enhancing the spiritual experience of the Mass. Whether you serve as a musician, cantor, or choir member, your contribution is essential to the liturgy. As St. Augustine beautifully said, "To sing is to pray twice." Join us in this ministry and help lead our congregation in worship through the gift of music.

Contact: Mary Ann Zielinski

(503) 991-6985

Parish Nurses and Health

The Parish Nurse and Health Ministry is dedicated to promoting the well-being of our parish community. Our parish nurses provide a range of valuable services, including regular blood pressure checks, health education, and hospital and home visits. They also refer parishioners to community resources and coordinate Red Cross Blood Drives. Through their compassionate care and support, our parish nurses help ensure that our community remains healthy and informed.

Contact: Gaye McDougall, RN

(503) 390-1876

Prayer Chain - Love the Holy Spirit

The Love the Holy Spirit Ministry offers a powerful way to connect through prayer. Join our phone tree prayer chain to support fellow parishioners by praying for their special intentions. Whether you want to be part of this prayerful network or have a specific prayer request, our ministry is here to lift your needs to God. Together, we can experience the strength and comfort that comes from a community united in prayer.

Contact: Susan Arbaugh

(503) 930-5354

Contact: Dolores Emmenegger

(707) 998-3718

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