Altar Servers

Altar servers are those who want to answer the call to serve our Lord by assisting the Priest during Mass. All of our servers are volunteers, and as a Server, you have the important role during the Mass. It is a privilege to assist Father.

Training is required for all individuals who want to serve at Mass, or for those who would like a refresher. Email Joyce Sprouse to set up a date. Servers learn the various roles and responsibilities of an altar server, including how to properly handle sacred vessels, and the significance of different parts of the Mass. They also gain the importance of reverence and decorum in the sanctuary because it helps servers develop a deeper appreciation for the liturgy. By participating in this ministry, altar servers are also growing in their own faith and spiritual maturity.

Training typically for an hour or less is scheduled with Joyce. There is a training guide to review before training in the church, and there is also a “pew guide” to help those who might be little nervous. New servers are paired with experienced servers to ease the learning process. 

View the Training Guide


  • Children must have received Holy Communion.
  • Be a responsible third grade or older.
  • Adults must have received Holy Communion and Confirmation.
  • Children and Adults must be able to assist at the mass with out drawing attention to themselves.
  • Training for all new servers.
  • Be able to use email or Flocknote to receive updates and schedules. 
  • Be responsible for attending the mass assigned to you as a server or ask for help. 

How do I Volunteer?

Those wanting to volunteer to become an Altar Server may contact Joyce Sprouse via email or by calling (503) 393-5323 x311.

How do I Connect with the other Altar Servers?

Altar Servers can stay connected by using the Saint Edward Altar Server's Flock Note messaging system to ask a question or find a substitute server to replace you.

Altar Server Flock Note
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