Catholic Confirmation is a significant sacrament for both youth and adults, marking a deepening of their faith and a stronger commitment to the Church. For youth, typically received during adolescence, Confirmation is a time of spiritual growth and preparation, often involving catechesis, retreats, and service projects. It empowers them with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, helping them to live out their faith with courage and conviction.
Eligible youth are active in their parish for at least a year prior to preparation, demonstrated especially by regular Mass attendance and participation in a faith formation program.
The Confirmation parent letter explains the current plan for the 2024-25 school year. As with all things, this plan is fluid and subject to change.
You may register online for Sacramental Prep using the button below.
We accept cash or check at the parish office. You can make registration payments online by using the button below.
2nd year students must attend a‘monthly’ class with a parent/guardian or their sponsor, either on Sunday or Wednesday EVERY Month, in addition to their weekly participation in parish life and attendance at Sunday Mass.
The first meeting is expected of all students and a parent/guardian. Sunday, September 22 at 6:30 pm.
First Meeting with Parent/Guardian
(Sunday, 09/22/2024 at 6:30 PM)
WEDNESDAYS 6:45 PM - 8:30 PM
First Meeting with Parent/Guardian
(Sunday, 09/22/2024 at 6:30 PM)
SUNDAYS 11:45 AM - 1:30 PM
Preparing For The Sacrament Of Confirmation:
The adult Confirmation process is for adults who have already been baptized and received their first Communion. In receiving Confirmation, you are strengthening your sacramental bond with the Catholic Church and our vocation to be disciples of Jesus. Therefore, these sacramental preparation classes will review the fundamentals of our Catholic faith to better form our understanding of what it means to live as emboldened witnesses to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The process will also assist candidates for Confirmation in being active and faithful Catholics with the firm practice of attending Mass every Sunday (or Saturday night) and Holy Days of Obligation.
Yes, you will need a sponsor as part of this process. Since Confirmation strengthens your bonds to the Catholic community, the Church asks each candidate to select a Confirmation sponsor to accompany him/her as they prepare for and receive the sacrament.
Much like a godparent, a sponsor is someone who will spiritually support you through his/her prayers and help witness the Catholic faith you are called to live. They are there to help motive, encourage, and guide you as you continue to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ. They will also be at the Confirmation ceremony and stand with you as you receive the sacrament.
Since a sponsor is meant to be a Catholic role model and witness to you, there are some basic requirements the Catholic Church has regarding being a sponsor.
The Archdiocese of Portland determines the date and the location for the Confirmation ceremony with the Archbishop. We will let you know the exact details of the Confirmation ceremony as soon as they are announced.
We will need copies of your Baptism certificate and your First Communion certificate. There is also a basic Adult Confirmation registration form that we will have you fill out.
Much like a godparent, a sponsor is someone who will spiritually support you through his/her prayers and help witness the Catholic faith you are called to live. They are there to help motive, encourage, and guide you as you continue to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ. They will also be at the Confirmation ceremony and stand with you as you receive the sacrament.
In receiving Confirmation, you are completing your initiation into the Catholic Church which began with your Baptism. Since this sacrament strengthens your bonds to the Catholic community, the Church asks each candidate to select a Confirmation sponsor to accompany him/her as they prepare for the sacrament and receive it with the Archbishop.
Please let us know if you have someone in mind who meets these requirements or if you need help finding a sponsor. We have several parishioners here at Saint Edward who would be more than happy to be a sponsor for you.
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