In the Catholic faith, baptizing a newborn is a significant sacrament that symbolizes the washing away of original sin and the child's initiation into the Christian community. Catholics believe that baptism is essential for salvation, as it grants the child the grace of God and the Holy Spirit. This sacrament also marks the beginning of the child's spiritual journey, providing a foundation for their faith and relationship with God. By baptizing a newborn, Catholic parents and godparents commit to guiding and nurturing the child's faith, ensuring they grow up with a strong connection to the Church and its teachings.
The Short Answer: As soon as possible without delay!
Baptisms are beautiful ceremonies that are worth celebrating with family and friends, but we should never forget the urgency of this sacrament for our children's spiritual wellbeing! The Lord himself affirms that Baptism is necessary for salvation (Catechism of the Catholic Church #1257). Therefore, the Church reminds us: "Parents are obliged to take care that infants are baptized in the first few weeks" (Canon 867).
You can find a short explanation on the urgency and importance of Baptism here. If the parents and godparents are ready to commit to the baptismal promises, then we strongly encourage families not to wait or delay on giving their child the priceless gift of becoming a child of God!
If your child is already older than an infant, we would love to help you prepare and plan for this great sacrament as soon as possible! Please look at the information below so we can start walking with your family on this sacramental journey!
Baptism is one of the greatest gifts that Jesus gives us. It imparts the forgiveness of sins, gives us new life in God, and incorporates us into the Church.
For this reason, parents desiring to have their child baptized into the Catholic religion must have a firm commitment to raise their child in the Catholic faith. This means that the Catholic parent(s) must be attending Mass in person with their child(ren) every Sunday (or Saturday night) and on the Holy Days of Obligation. It also entails actively teaching your child about the Catholic faith as they grow up, making sure they receive the other sacraments, and instilling them with the Catholic faith and virtues.
We also have the parents and godparents complete a Baptism preparation class (see below).
Being a godparent is a great honor, but it is also a tremendous responsibility! First and foremost, it entails being an active and faithful witness to our Catholic faith for the sake of the godchild. Children need guidance and genuine role models to learn what it truly means to be Catholic. Therefore, the Catholic Church has the following worldwide requirements a person must meet in order to be a godparent (Canon 874):
Please make sure that the godparent(s) you select meet all of these requirements!
We do have the godparent(s) individually fill out a form testifying that they currently meet all of these requirements. If the godparents are married, we do require a copy of their sacramental certificate of marriage before the Baptism ceremony.
It is important to note that a godparent needs to be a person who has already been actively living/practicing the Catholic faith, not merely someone promising to start living the faith once the child is baptized.
Also, please let us know if you need help finding someone who meets all of these requirements. We have several parishioners here at Saint Edward who would be more than happy to be a godparent, which can help you come to know our parish community better!
We have Baptism ceremonies every month for children under 7 years old. Our English Baptism ceremonies are typically held on the fourth Saturday of each month at 3:00pm.
If you would like to schedule a Baptism for your child in English, please contact Brad Becker (Pastoral Associate) at our office. For information about our Spanish Baptism ceremonies, please click here.
You are welcome to bring your own "Baptism Set" for the ceremony. We can also provide you with a baptismal candle for free. The only other thing we will need for the ceremony is a white garment (blanket, bib, slip on robe/dress, scarf, etc.) for your child when we bless their white garments during the ceremony.
We do need a copy of your child's birth certificate for our sacramental records and there are a few additional forms for the parents and godparents, which we usually have them complete during the Baptism preparation class. If the godparents are married, we do require a copy of the sacramental marriage license before the Baptism ceremony.
If you are a parishioner at another parish and wish to celebrate the Baptism at Saint Edward, we will need a letter of permission from your parish priest before scheduling the ceremony.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!
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